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'the commons': People, Places & Things

I'll be in Bath 7th & 8th of June with Social Circles Brighton and Social Art Networks, Bath & NES.

Across two venues:

workshops & discussion


Newark Works, Bath BA2 3DZ



Bath Artist Studios, Bath BA1 3AJ

We are a group of socially engaged artist which are coming together to creatively connect, expore and exchange ideas, politics and the social potential of 'the commons' and 'commoning'.

'Commoning' is a social practice of radical transformation of how we consider common ground, community engagement and community resources.

I'll be speaking about the collaborative work 'People, Places and Things'. The project is based on a small group of artists bringing to the table a collection of objects which are a response to the title of ‘People, Places & Things’. Each person could choose to collect/make/find an object/s from their location, and then post something to the other participants. Upon receiving an object each artsit was to make a response. Each participant was to document their response to each of the objects received and will bring to the Bath gathering for sharing and discussion.


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